
Bruce Lee (1940-1973), founder of Jeet Kune Do, had brought on revolutionary influence to the world of martial arts (and still does). Not only was he a ’super actor’ of sorts, he was also an awesome expert of the martial arts, mastering the mind, body, and soul in the virtue of expressing oneself honestly.

From his humble beginnings in ‘Golden Gate Girl’ to his last works in ‘The Game of Death’, Bruce Lee has taken part in so many films internationally that his life with the movies can be said to be legendary. On top of being an international star, he was a man of wisdom. With his unique views and mastery of the martial arts, he went so far as to creating his own style of martial arts: ‘Jeet Kune Do’. One can see from his self discovered image; his dazzling performance in film; his spirit of never-ending hard work; his weaponary designs, that Bruce Lee is indeed a legend of always aiming to surpass oneself’s abilities, of unlimited creativity.

If you too share the awe and love for the legendary Bruce Lee, I hope that through looking into the events and recordings of his lifetime, that you may find some inspirations in your own life.W, Wong Yiu KeungChairman of the Bruce Lee Club.

李小龙( 1940年至1973年) ,截拳道创始人,带来了对革命的影响,向世界武术(说不) 。他不仅是个’超级演员’,他也是一个伟大的武术专家,掌握头脑,身体和灵魂中的美德,表达自己的廉洁从政。
李小龙的一生是短暂的,但却如同一颗耀眼的彗星划过国际武坛的上空,对现代技击术和电影表演艺术的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他主演的功夫片风行海外,中国功夫也随之闻名于世界。许多外文字典和词典里都出现了一个新词:“功夫”(Kung Fu ) 。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武术,李小龙也成了功夫的化身。许多国外武林高手、空手道拳师,泰拳大师看过李小龙主演的功夫片后都承认:“李小龙确 有真功夫。”确实,还很少有一位东方武术家能像李小龙一样突破国家、种族的领域,并且在死后声威依然不减。









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